Your institution Gitanjali School, which is in its path of establishment, has already begun its long journey. Once it started it took a giant leap by achieving many laurels. In the last two years our strength has increased six times and this enables us to know that we are empowered by unwavering trust that parents have in this institution and in this knowledge lies our strength and inspiration.
The school considers education to be a life-long process which should have a strong foundation. The goal of the school is to inculcate in the students a love for learning and a desire to excel at every level. The school also aims at equipping the students with the intellectual and practical skills that are necessary to meet the challenges in the future.
Besides being committed to academic excellence and providing education for all round development, another special characteristic of Gitanjali School is the appreciation of the worth of the each student. We give opportunity to each student to come on stage and address the large gathering. Every month we have activities and competitions where we encourage every student to participate.
As simply put by Swami Vivekanand , the great reformer and philosopher, “ Education is the manifestation of divine already existing in the man”. This philosophy supports the fact that Teaching is an Art. So it is the need of the hour that we need teachers in the disguise of artists who can create curiosity among learners. As curiosity leads to discovery and discovery leads to application of facts & concepts and application leads to analysis (What is true? What is wrong?). Analysis leads to synthesis (What to take & What to leave) and ultimately synthesis gives birth to creativity
My team is committed to encourage each child to give his best in an attempt to make him realize his true potential. In this way we also follow the philosophy of an eminent educationist J. Krishnamurti who said, “Education is the understanding of oneself"
The dimension of education has changed today. The new generation needs to be prepared to make maximum use of opportunities, to life, to live and to learn.
We could learn lessons of life through situations, circumstances and opportunities that came our way. For new generation we can’t wait these things to happen rather we should create situations and provide them an environment where they can learn, explore and imagine the possibilities.
If we can teach them dream big and chase them as dreams come true, it will nothing less than Empowering them.
If we can teach them to take responsibilities of their own learning, it will nothing less than Enlightening them.
If we can bring a desirable change in their behavior it will nothing less than Educating them………
Mrs Anupriya Sangwan
Principal, Gitanjali School